Moonage Daydreams

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Work-Related Goodness

So yesterday was a fairly hectic day. Had to get up at 5:30 in order to be on time for the store meeting at 7:00. The store is prepping for the big holiday rush, and we really need everyone to be on the same page and ready for the insanity. We had some fun activities, though, and some prizes were given out. I snagged a copy of Battlefield 2142 for the PC, but since my laptop can't handle it, I sold it for about $40 online instead.

I also received a nice little honor at the meeting. I was awarded MVP of my department, and I got a cool little certificate and got to pick out another prize. I chose the Microsoft LifeCam VX-3000 webcam, but mainly because all the other cool stuff was already taken. I kinda wanted the MP3 player, but oh, well...there's always next time.

I might also be up for a promotion sooner than expected. One of the guys in the warehouse decided to step down and join the LP Team, so I'm going to inquire about the currently void position. I'm not sure who else might be applying for it, but I wouldn't mind a step up on the ladder.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Another Week Rolls By

Another week rolls by here in the mountains of WV, and again I have little news to report. I got my comics for October in the mail on Monday. I haven't started reading them yet, but one of the issues is The Pirates of Coney Island #1, so I'll be getting on that shit this weekend. I also received a letter in the mail from the court letting me know that, on my court date, the trooper who handled my accident will be on vacation. This is very, very, very good news because, without the officer there, my case may very well get thrown out. And if my case gets thrown out, I don't have to pay the fine and may not even have the accident on my permanent record. Maybe.

Our three months of digital cable ran out here at Casa de Schoo/Gauthier on Tuesday, so it's back to basic cable and cable internet for us. To be honest, we weren't taking advantage of the digital cable like we should have, but oh, well. I also added a new game to my arsenal for PS2: Marvel Ultimate Alliance. The game's pretty freakin' sweet and plays exactly like X-Men Legends, only the cast is way, way bigger. The graphics are also way better, too. I haven't played much of it, though; I still wanna beat X-Men Legends first.

And last, but certainly not least, I want wish a Day After Birthday to my friend . I didn't want to make a big fuss about it, but I mailed her a cool birthday card yesterday. I would have mailed it sooner, but Adelphia cut off our cable internet by accident when they shut off our digital cable. Otherwise, I would have mailed the card on Tuesday. Whoops!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Breaking The Silence

It's been quite a weekend here at Casa de Schoo/Gauthier.

Friday: Work was work until it was discovered that one of the new employees at the store was attempting to steal product from the store. The day was made much better when I checked the mail and saw that my new CD from The Brides had arrived. Meghan and I then stayed up until almost 4:00am getting everything ready for our Halloween party on Saturday. Good times!

Saturday: A slightly late start waking up led to another busy day of party preparation. I had a few errands to run in order to pick up a few last-minute things, as well as filling out another day off request form at work. We then finished cleaning up the apartment, and our guests started showing up a little before 7:00pm. We then ate lots of sweet & sour hot dogs (recipe later), chili, and loads of other snacks, watched Halloween, The Amityville Horror (the re-make), and finished the evening with Shaun of the Dead. By this time, Meghan was exhausted and slightly inebriated, so I stayed up until a little after 3:00am cleaning up.

Sunday: Thank the gods for daylight savings time! I'd completely forgotten about it and managed to scratch out an extra hour of sleep. Meghan and I then finished cleaning up after the party before she got down to hammering out her schoolwork. Neither one of us changed out of our pajamas the entire day, and I spent the day reading, watching TV, watching some movies, and playing PS2. Oh, and I got that game Black, which is pretty okay.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Inbetween Days

Yesterday marked three months I've been living in West Virginia. It marked two months I've been working for Best Buy. It completely slipped my mind until now, but the 6th was the birthday of THE INSOMNIAC [link]. And tomorrow's my 26th birthday.


Things are not so swell here in WV. I'm not really in the mood for talking about it right now, but I can pretty much guarantee you that tomorrow will be one gigantic suck. I have to work my usual 8.5 hour shift, and then I have a whole slew of errands to run on Wed.

I fucking hate it here. I wish it was August so I could be packing everything up and moving back to MD. I miss my home, and I miss my friends.

Independence wasn't supposed to be this miserable.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Finally, Things Go Right For A Change

So my big box of comics came in the mail yesterday from Cosmic Comix. In it, I got American Splendor #1, American Virgin #7, Berserk Vol.13, Blade Of The Immortal #s 116 & 117, Casanova #4, DMZ #11, The Escapists #3, Haunted Mansion #4, Moon Knight #s 4 & 5, Nextwave #8, Phonogram #1, Runaways #s 19 & 20, Sullengrey #4, All-Star Superman #5, The Ultimates 2 #12, The Walking Dead Vol.5, Wasteland #3, Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse #2, X-Factor #s 10 & 11, and Astonishing X-Men #17. I've already read about half of the single issues and will try to finish the rest by tomorrow. The trades may take a bit longer, though.

Today continued my new lucky streak when UPS delivered my copy of Bleed The Grey Skies Black to the store. I haven't finished listening to it yet, but it's some of Bella Morte's best stuff yet. Seriously. I can't wait to see them in concert again. And don't forget; it's still not too late to pre-order yourself a copy!

And I also picked up a copy of Thank You For Smoking and X-Men III: The Last Stand. As a matter of fact, Meghan and I just got finished watching X III. Watching it again has re-kindled my desire to write a script for an X-Factor movie. Maybe I'll jot some ideas down on paper sometime soon.

Monday, October 02, 2006

I Believe I Can Fly

So Meghan and I finally watched the premiere of NBC's new show, HEROES, last night. It wasn't quite what I was expecting it to be, but it wa sstill pretty good. The next episode is on tonight, and I'll be sure to have my tape ready to catch it.

I realize now that I have too many expectations about this kinda stuff. I've read too many superhero books. But what I like about this series is that no one knows where these people are getting their powers. One theory by one of the characters is that it's evolutionary, but it's only a theory. There's also a lot of buzz going on in the first episode about a solar eclipse that's supposedly the biggest in history. It, too, could be the cause.

So far, here are the powers that have been introduced: regeneration, teleportation / time travel, flight, premonitions, and multiple personalities (similar to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde). There's also a guy who has some power that's so far undetermined, but it seems like he has the ability to find people who have powers. And in the next episode, it looks like there's a cop with psychic abilities.

So be sure to check out the next episode of HEROES tonight! I know I will.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Since I've Been Gone

So you've all probably noticed I've been away for a coupla days. I've had a lot of stuff to take care of recently, and just about all of it has gone wrong. I've been in a really, really bad mood. But today I'm feeling a bit more hopeful that it was just a bit of bad luck.

Oh, and I'm turning 26 in a few weeks. Yep, it's almost the 17th of October again already. And not to sound all "GIMME GIMME GIMME," but if anyone feels the Karmatic urge to buy me a birthday present, here's the link to my Wish List: [link].

No, a present is not required, but it would certainly make me feel good.